
Huawei CE6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch is located in high-density 10G access in the data center, helping enterprises and operators to build data center network platforms for the cloud computing era, and can also be used for the core or aggregation of campus networks.

Huawei CE6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch Product Overview

Huawei CloudEngine 6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch is Huawei’s next-generation high-performance, high-density, low-latency 10GE/25GE Ethernet switches for data centers and high-end campuses. Huawei CloudEngine 6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch adopts an advanced hardware structure to provide high-density 10GE/25GE port access and supports 40GE/100GE uplink ports. It supports rich data center features and high-performance stacking, and the air duct direction can be flexibly selected.

Huawei CE6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei CE6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch Specifications

Items CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ CloudEngine 6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI
Afskakelpoorte 48 x 10 GE SFP+ 24 x 10 GE SFP+
Uplink-poorte 6 x 40/100 GE QSFP28 4 x 40 GE QSFP+ and 2 x 40 GE/100 GE QSFP28
Skakelkapasiteit 2.16 Tbit/s 1.2 Tbit/s
Forwarding Rate 940 Mps 406 Mps
Buffer 42 MB 16.5 MB
Betroubaarheid LACP
Hardeware-gebaseerde BFD
O&M Telemetrie Telemetrie
Netstroom Netstroom
Datasentrumkenmerke VXLAN-roetering en oorbrugging VXLAN-roetering en oorbrugging
iStack1 and M-LAG iStack1 and M-LAG
SFC IETF-gedefinieerde NSH
Maksimum kragverbruik 380 W 224 W
Kragtoevoer AC: 600 W AC: 600 W
DC: 350 W
Bedryfspanning AC: 90 V aan 290 V AC: 90 V aan 290 V
DC: -38.4 V aan -72 V

Huawei CE6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch Features

  • CloudEngine 6881 series provide up to 48 x 10GE poorte, wat voorsiening maak vir hoëdigtheid 10GE-bedienertoegang en gladde evolusie.
  • CloudEngine 6881 series provide up to 6 x 100GE QSFP28-poorte. Elke QSFP28-poort kan ook as een 40GE QSFP+-poort gebruik word, bied buigsaamheid in netwerke. Die uplink 40GE/100GE-poorte kan aan CloudEngine gekoppel word 16800 of CloudEngine 12800 reeksskakelaars om 'n nie-blokkerende netwerkplatform te bou.
  • N stapel stelsel van 16 member switches has a maximum of 768 x 10GE access ports that provide high-density server access in a data center.
  • Veelvuldige skakelaars in 'n stapelstelsel word in een logiese toestel gevirtualiseer, making it possible to build a scalable and easyto-manage data center network platform.
  • 'n Stapelstelsel skei die beheervlak van die datavlak. This eliminates the risk of single points of failure and greatly improves system reliability.
  • CloudEngine 6881 series can use service ports as stack ports. 'n Stapelstelsel kan gevestig word met skakelaars in dieselfde rak of verskillende rakke, en selfs oor lang afstande.
  • Service and stack bandwidths can be allocated based on the network scale to ensure that network resources are used more efficiently.
  • CloudEngine 6881 series support multichassis link aggregation group (M-LAG), wat skakels van veelvuldige skakelaars in staat stel om in een saam te voeg om toestelvlak-skakelrugsteun te implementeer.
  • Switches in an M-LAG system all work in active state to share traffic and back up each other, enhancing system reliability.
  • Switches in an M-LAG system can be upgraded independently. During the upgrade, other switches in the system take over traffic forwarding to ensure uninterrupted services.
  • M-LAG supports dual-homing to Ethernet, VXLAN, and IP networks, allowing for flexible networking

Huawei CE6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch Ordering Info

CE6881-48S6CQ CE6881-48S6CQ skakelaar (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, sonder waaier- en kragmodules)
CE6881-48S6CQ-B CE6881-48S6CQ-B skakelaar (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, 2*AC krag modules, 4*waaier modules, bakboord-inlaat)
CE6881-48S6CQ-F CE6881-48S6CQ-F skakelaar (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, 2*AC krag modules, 4*waaier modules, bakboord-uitlaat)
Fan Skinkbord
Model Beskrywing
FAN-031A-F Fan boks (F,FAN paneel kant inlaat)
FAN-031A-B Fan boks (B,FAN paneel kant uitlaat)
Model Beskrywing
PAC600S12-CF 600W AC-kragmodule(Voor na agter,Kragpaneel sy-inlaat)
PAC600S12-CB 600W AC-kragmodule(Agterstevoor, Kragpaneel sy-uitlaat)
N1-CE68LIC-CFMM N1-CloudFabric Management SW-lisensie vir CloudEngine 6800(N1-CE68LIC-CFMM software is applicable to Non-SDN scenario, includes basic software functions and VXLAN)
N1-CE68CFMM-SnS1Y N1-CE68CFMM-SnS1Y,N1-CloudFabric Management SW-lisensie vir CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68LIC-CFFD N1-CloudFabric Foundation SW-lisensie vir CloudEngine 6800 (N1-CE68LIC-CFFD software is
applicable to single DC scenarios, includes basic software functions, VXLAN, en
Telemetrie,Agile Controller-DCN management of each fixed device,Fabricinsight Intelligent network analysis basic function)
N1-CE68CFFD-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Foundation SW License for CloudEngine 6800-SnS-1 Year (The annual fee for the CloudFabric N1 package )
N1-CE68LIC-CFAD N1-CloudFabric Advanced SW-lisensie vir CloudEngine 6800 (N1-CE68LIC-CFAD software is applicable to multiple DC scenarios, includes all the functions of the N1-CE68LIC-CFFD software package and NSH function)
N1-CE68CFAD-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Advanced SW License for CloudEngine -SnS -1 Jaar (The annual fee for the CloudFabric N1 package)

Huawei CE6880-24S4Q2CQ-EI Switch Product Applications

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